© Catskills Photography Charlie Hoffman
Office Hours
Monday & Wednesday
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Assessors Hours
Tuesday & Thursday
9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Or, by appointment
tel: (845) 557-6563
fax: (845) 557-0257
Town Hall
4 Proctor Road
P.O. Box 198
Eldred, NY 12732

Lorry King

Assessor's Clerk
Terri Fountain

Data Collection
Joe Mellan
Need to update your mailing address?
Please complete the Change of Address Form and mail it to our office.
The Assessor is responsible for fixing the value of real property for tax assessment purposes and for administering the assessment procedures in the town.
As your assessor I am dedicated to maintaining a fair and equitable assessment roll each year. I welcome anyone who may have a question to call and make an appointment to meet with me so I may have the opportunity to meet you and also to hopefully answer your questions. The main purpose of the assessor's office is to provide a service to our customers, who are the taxpayers of the municipality. Maintaining a fair and equitable assessment roll is a very important part of this service.
For further information regarding assessment and/or exemption forms and instructions, please visit New York State Office of Real Property Tax Services.
The Board of Assessment Review consists of not less than three or more than five members appointed by the Town Board. The majority of the members cannot be officers and employees of the town. The town Assessor may not serve as a Board of Assessment Review member (Real Property Tax Law, Sections 102(3), (4), (523). They are 5-year terms.
James F. Carney
John Frank
Joseph Gottlieb
Fritz Kayser
Dennis Hatton
Tax Roll
2022 Final Tax Roll
2021 Final Tax Roll
Also available through Sullivan County Real Property Tax Services
Visit website
Assessment calendar
July 1 • Valuation Date
March 1 • Taxable Status Date
All Exemption Applications and Renewals are due in the Assessor’s Office
March 1 • Exemption Application Deadline
May 1 • Tentative Roll Filed
May (Fourth Tuesday) • Grievance Day
July 1 • Final Roll Filed
August 1 • Small Claim Petition Deadline
September 1 • School Tax Bills Mailed
January 1 • Town and County Tax Bills Mailed
Property Assessment Data
Property Assessment Data is available through both the assessor’s office and the Sullivan County Real Property Tax Services Visit website
Tax Exemptions
You may be eligible for exemptions, such as STAR and Veteran’s, on your PRIMARY RESIDENCE ONLY. Please contact the town Assessor's office for more information or visit...
- STAR Program
- Senior Citizens exemption
- Veterans' exemption
- Exemption for persons with disabilities
- Exemptions for agricultural properties
- Full list of NYS exemptions
View Town of Highland Zoning Map
March 18, 2014
Frequently Asked Questions
When are tax bills mailed out?
The Town and County tax bills are mailed out January 1st of each year.
School tax bills are mailed out September 1st of each year.
What exemptions are available to property owners?
The Basic Star exemption is available for owner-occupied, primary residences where the resident owners' and their spouse's income is less than $500,000. The Enhanced Star exemption is available to owners who are 65 years of age with an adjusted income of $81,900 or less. The Senior Citizen exemption (Aged) is available to owners who are 65 years of age with a total income of $23,200 or less. The Veteran’s exemption and Cold War Veteran’s exemptions are available to owners who served during a war-time period as defined by law.
When is the deadline for filing exemption applications and renewals?
All first time and renewal exemption applications are due by March 1st of each year.
Do I have to file a renewal application for the STAR exemption?
If you are under 65 years of age, you do not have to re-file each year.
If you are over 65 and receiving the Enhanced STAR you do have to file a renewal.
Do I have to file a renewal application for the senior citizen exemption?
Yes. The applications are mailed out by the assessor's office in December.
Do I have to file a renewal application for the veteran's exemption?
No. If you have the exemption for disabled veteran and your disability rating changes, please notify the assessor.
How can I determine if my assessment is fair?
You should review the inventory the assessor has on record for your property.
You can review the assessments of similar properties in your neighborhood.
You can review sales of properties in the town and determine the ratio of assessed value to sales price.
Where can I review the information on file for my property?
Assessment information is available in the assessor’s office.
What if I feel that my assessment is unfair?
You should contact the assessor to go over your assessment. Do this as soon as you receive a Change of Assessment notice.
What if the assessor does not agree with me?
You can file a Grievance application to be reviewed by the Board of Assessment Review. Grievance Day is held the fourth Tuesday of May.
What if the Board of Assessment Review does not make a change?
You can file a Small Claims Application with the County Clerk. You would then meet
with a Hearing Officer to present your argument to have your assessment reduced.
How are assessments determined?
Assessments are a percentage of Market Value of your property as of July 1st of each year.
What is market value?
The Market Value is the price a knowledgeable buyer would pay for a particular property, assuming neither party is under duress or forced to sell.
At what level is the Town of Highland assessing?
The Uniform Percent of Value is 94%.
What is the equalization rate?
It is the average ratio of assessed value to sales price of properties sold in the town each year.
How does the equalization rate affect my taxes?
The equalization rate determines the share of school and county taxes that residents pay.