Plans & Census
The Town of Highland population as of 2006 is estimated by the U.S. Bureau of the Census as 2,515 persons.
A new census is expected to be released soon.
Upper Delaware River Management Plan
Download the Final River Management Plan, dated November 1986, for the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River is available as a pdf file on-line at the National Park Service Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River website. (Note that the pdf file is 221 pages and 19.9 MB in size, so it may take awhile to download.)
For a pdf copy of the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River Final River Management Plan, dated November 1986, on a CD, please contact the UDC office by phone at 845-252-3022 or email.
Design Handbook
The Design Handbook, was originally printed in 1990 and was recently updated in 2014.
The handbook is based on a set of federal guidelines, the Upper Delaware Land and Water Use Guidelines (often referred to as only Guidelines), that apply within the river corridor. It explains these technical guidelines using plain English and lots of illustrations. But the Land and Water Use Guidelines remain the definitive source and we recommend that you refer to pages 114-134 of the Final River Management Plan. (Note that contact information in the Handbook may be outdated.)